Categories for Oral Hygiene

When Should Kids Start Seeing the Dentist?

Don't wait until your child has a mouth full of baby teeth to visit the dentist. Believe it or not, the American Dental Association, in addition to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry both say that your child should visit the dentist when they get their very first tooth or have their first birthday. Read our blog post for more!

Are Metal Tooth Fillings Dangerous to My Health?

When you have a cavity, it will need to be treated with a tooth filling. Because cavities are holes, a filling literally “fills in” the area where the decay created a space. For years, fillings were all made with metal. Is that dangerous to your health? Read our blog post for answers!

Tips to Create Great Oral Habits for Your Kids

Our kids are always picking up new habits from us—whether we want them to or not. These habits can include everything from what we say to how we eat, which means that our children are also looking at how we take care of our dental health. Read our blog post for some ways you can set a positive example for your child and help instill great oral health habits they can take with them into adulthood.

Natural Methods to Strengthen Teeth

By now you’re probably plenty familiar with how to keep your teeth healthy: brush them twice a day, floss at least once a day, etc. But what exactly can you do to make them trong? Read our blog for natural methods to strengthen teeth.

Tooth Sensitivity Remedies

Do you experience sensitivity when you drink a cup of hot coffee or when you bite into a popsicle? If so, you could be suffering from tooth sensitivity. Read our blog post where we explain what tooth sensitivity is, what causes it, tooth sensitivity remedies, and how you can prevent it.

How Durable Are Dental Crowns?

You’ve probably heard of dental crowns, but do you know what exactly they are? Check out our blog post where we explain the answer to that question, discuss why you might need one, and how durable dental crowns are.

Can You Get a Cavity After a Filling?

The majority of Americans will require at least one dental filling to treat a cavity. This common procedure protects your tooth from any further damage from bacteria and acid. Whether you’ve just gotten a filling or you’ll get one soon, read our blog post for information that will help you understand how fillings work.

The Future of Dentistry Is Here Today

Over the last few decades, dental technology has evolved to become more comfortable and efficient than ever before. Check out our blog post where we shine a spotlight on a few of the key pieces of cutting-edge technology that help our team provide quality care to our patients.

What Causes Plaque Buildup?

Dental plaque is a soft, sticky substance that forms on your teeth and builds up over time. If it isn’t removed during regular brushing and flossing, it can cause cavities, irritate the gums, and form into tartar. Check out our blog post for a look at some of the causes for plaque buildup as well as some tips for avoiding it.

What Does Acid Erosion Do to Teeth?

Acid is the enemy of healthy teeth. Much of our preventive care revolves around helping our patients limit the exposure of their pearly whites to acid, which in turn can limit enamel erosion. Read our blog post for steps you and your family can take to protect your teeth from acid erosion.